Minolta and Ricoh tag team

Now that I'm out of college it's time to dust off the cameras. Shot with tri-x 400 pushed and developed with d76.

Change the Channel

Check out the final installment of images for my digital photography class here:

Comfort comes from the ability to direct the outcome of a situation; whether it's directing the set of a photo shoot or switching lanes on a highway. In this series of images, Change the Channel explores the potentially dangerous situations a television viewer might experience in the course of one night. The situations presented will test the power of the ultimate controlling device that mankind has to offer, the television remote.

Crimes Committed or Implied

The semester's winding down and it's time to work on a final project for digital photo. How about implied crimes?


Also check out the gallery below for some of the latest street shots. Watch out for those "monks" they're grade 'A' scam artists!  I challenge you to photograph them in the act!

There's an Update

Below is the latest photos that I've made using the Ricoh 500G. I used Tri-x 400, shot the roll at box speed and developed the with D76. There was no goal in mind and the locations vary from Harlem to the NYBG


The Artist's Way

Anne Hall ( digital photography 1 professor at CCNY) suggested to go on an artist date with yourself. With this assignment , she posted up an excerpt form the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron looks like an interesting read. With some cleaver keywords, one can obtain an 'online pdf' or purchase the book on amazon.  

The Artist's Way
By Julia Cameron

The Ricoh Files

On this post I'll have a continuous update on the photographs that I have take with my Ricoh 500G. I have recently fixed a major light seal using by using a repair kit from Mr.John Goodmam. Check out the gallery below to see the recent and successful repair. On top of that the rangefinder was re- calibrated, and all lens wobble was removed. ( Of course all of the work was done in house. What camera repair store?!)

Terrible leak ! Looks like a jet of fire coming out of the camera!

Terrible leak ! Looks like a jet of fire coming out of the camera!

Below are the "repaired" images.